A serious problem with your teeth or gums that requires immediate dental care constitutes a dental emergency. Dental emergencies should not be ignored, as they are potentially serious and carry a significant risk of permanent damage. In addition to being excruciating, the cost of treatment can significantly rise if ignored.
A lot of patients at Kirkland Family Dentistry have gone through undue suffering and pain while experiencing severe dental problems due to a lack of immediate care during such emergencies.
Here are the common dental emergencies and how you should handle them:

Common Reasons For Dental Emergencies
Toothaches are the most common dental emergency and require immediate dental attention. This is a very painful condition and almost unbearable at times. Rather than suppressing it with painkillers or NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), a toothache must be treated as soon as possible. There are two types of toothaches:
- ‘Alive nerve’ in the tooth root: In this type of toothache, teeth become sensitive to hot and cold food and drinks due to soreness and inflammation of the nerve in the tooth’s root.
- ‘Dead nerve’ in the tooth root: This type of pain is more severe and can form an abscess at the end of the tooth’s root. If left untreated, an abscessed tooth can lead to serious dental problems.
Additionally, the buildup of tartar and plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease, common causes of toothaches. Good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups help to prevent pain and maintain good oral health.
Knocked Out Tooth
A knocked-out tooth can be saved and re-inserted by a dentist if the appropriate emergency steps are taken. Pick up the knocked tooth from the top and do not touch the root area. Rinse it very gently, and do not scrub or remove any tissue attached to the tooth. If possible, try to place it back into the socket gently without forcing it. These teeth can also be kept safely in a cup of milk until your trip to the dentist.
Knocked-out teeth warrant immediate dental attention and the above steps are critical to protecting the tooth; the longer it takes to re-implant the tooth, the lower the chances of successful re-implantation.
If you are at risk for a knocked-out or damaged tooth, you may want to consider a custom mouthguard.
Cracked or Fractured Teeth
Sometimes, the impact of biting a hard substance, like bones, can crack your teeth. Almost all broken teeth can be saved if immediate attention is given. In some cases, if the damage is serious, a root canal will be required. A white filling can fix small cracks.
Abscessed Tooth
An abscessed tooth is a serious and painful infection that can spread to other body parts if not treated properly. An abscess develops in the root of a tooth or between the gum and teeth and causes a pimple-like painful swelling in the gums. To find immediate relief from pain, rinse your mouth with mild salt water and visit the dentist as soon as possible.
Other Dental Emergencies
Other dental emergencies that require immediate attention include:
Dental emergencies can happen to anyone at any time and the best course of action is to remain calm and seek immediate dental care. There are also dental first aid kits available for immediate relief, which can come in handy. All in all, practice good hygiene, make regular visits to your dentist, and never take any of the above dental emergencies lightly; seek the help of a professional at the first possible opportunity.
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